A Blog About Everything And Anything
The Purist Mindset, Does It Hinder Creativity And Good Novel Adaptations?
In a day and age where streaming platforms are making countless adaptions of novels or other fiction, a endless debate rages in the deepest corners of literature nerd culture, 'Did it follow the lore?!'
Keep An Analytical Mindset With Your Social Media
We all have a love hate relationship with social media. It's both a boon and a curse, but if your a small business or creator, keeping an analytical mindset can help you swim above the BS.
How TTRPGs Can Help You Get More Comfortable With Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is something we all suffer from at some point in our lives. It can be really intense for some or as simple as taking a deep breath for others. No matter how you deal with it, there is one thing that can help, which might be quite unexpected: TTRPGs.
Operation Trojan Shield - Morally Correct Or Breach Of Privacy?
Operation Trojan Shield was a international engagement into the depths of the criminal underworld. Leading to countless busts and millions worth of assists seized, but it raises many privacy concerns as the methods of this operation are morally gray.
The Final Shape - Bungie’s Best Comeback
Once again Bungie has turned the tide on insurmountable odds. Sony was knocking on their door, the community was at the lowest point it has ever been at, and all good press around Bungie was pretty much gone. It looked like we were walking towards a Sony take over and the downshifting of Destiny, but for the millionth time they turned it around at the last second.
Stay Safe Online: Essential Internet Security Tips for Everyone
Internet security is an essential aspect of our daily online activities, yet many people overlook it with the mindset of 'it could never be me.' A popular phrase in cybersecurity is: "It's not if you will be hacked, but when." Fortunately, there are many simple actions you can take to strengthen your online security and protect yourself from cyber threats.
Gray Zone Warfare, An EFT Alternative
Gray Zone Warfare is a new entry in the rapidly growing extraction shooter genre. While it is not the Escape From Tarkov killer everyone wanted it to be, not yet anyway, the game is still an amazing breath of fresh air and a solid entry into Steam Early Access. Especially with it being only 20% finished.
Escape From Tarkov’s Unheard Edition And Sony’s Attempt At Locking Helldivers
The last month or so has been absolutely wild for gaming, and not in the good way. With Battle State Games literally committing false advertising and other illegal activates to Sony being absolutely greedy slime balls trying to capitalize on Helldivers 2 success.
Hero and Villain/Protagonist and Antagonist Relationships
The antagonist and protagonist relationship is a key part in any store written. From your Sauron in epic fantasy to your Thanos in comics there are always great villains. But villains and heros are not contained in just these settings. Someone as simple as a bad or abusive teacher can be the bad guy.
Tragic Optimism - Navigating Crappy Times
Let’s be real with ourselves. The 2020s f****** suck. COVID, wars, a middle class that is becoming impossible to stay in, little to no hosing affordability, and more. The practice of tragic optimism is something that can be beneficial, in moderation, to many of us. Let’s talk about it.
Editorial SEO - Top 5 Tips To Get You Started
Editorial SEO is one of the three main types of search engine optimization that really impact your efforts. And it happens to be one of the more grindy types to work though and improve as it relates to writing content. You can spend hours of time working on a blog and have it go no where. Wasted time and wasted investment. Here are some tips to, hopefully, allow you to avoid this fate.
Helldivers 2 - Another Win For The AA Industry
Helldivers 2 is another game that has proven the power of the AA industry and when games are built with love and passion instead of money and seeking a never ending revenue stream.
Escape From Tarkov - The Extraction Shooter That Started A Revolution
Escape From Tarkov is a game that spawned an entire new subgenre of games, the extraction shooter. But not only that is has survived the rise of many other and arguably, more casual takes on the genre. So how has Escape From Tarkov stayed alive? Here, I talk about my experience with the game among other topics to try and get some form of an answer out there.
Top 5 Writing Tips To Help You Out Of A Funk
I said it many times already and I'll say it again, there is a lot of fantastic writing advice and there is also down right bad advice. In this blog we will go over some writing advice that I personally subscribe to and that has helped me push through near 24/7 writers block.
5 Tools To Help Grow Your SEO
There are a lot of tools out there in order to help you build your digital visibility. Lets go over 5 tools that will help your SEO grow whether you are a individual or a part of a larger team.
Kena: Bridge Of Spirts Is A Breath Of Fresh Air
Kena: Bridge Of Spirts is a game straight out of the past when games focused on fun rather then insanely complex gaming systems. The double A (AA) space has been proving itself time and time again whereas the triple A space (AAA) feels to be lacking.
The Importance of Showing Up - Building A Healthy Writing Habit
Showing up is an important step in any habit building. Not only are you building a neural pathway for your chosen habit making it easer over time, you are working towards your goal.
The Day Before: A Strange Story
If you are in the gaming space regularly you may have heard of a strange little game called “The Day Before” though how it was marketed, it seemed anything but small. And all to good to be true, and it was.
What Is SEO? - An Introduction To Optimization
SEO is a term of growing importance and it is the key to online success for your business and it is only becoming more important with implementation of AI in our everyday lives. Let's go over the basics of SEO to open the door for your research.
Destiny 2 And Bungie: A Community Divided
It's no secret that Bungie and its successful looter shooter Destiny 2 is in a rough spot right now. As a studio used to rough streaks and an unreceptive and often times aggravated community, the current heat right now is not surprising. But what makes this time feel different?